Dr. Crawford is excited to partner with Ashley Black to bring
in-office professional FasciaBlasting and the amazing FasciaBlaster™ Collection of tools to YOU!
Do you have chronic pain in your muscles or joints?
Are your movements limited in certain directions?
Are you plagued by the appearance of "cellulite" on your beautiful body?
Do you have skin that is sagging due to gravity's pull or weight loss?
FasciaBlasting might be just what you have been looking for!
Check out FasciaBlasting on the Today Show here!
What is Fascia?
Fascia is what holds us together. It is bands and webs of collagen that wrap around all internal parts of the body from head to toe. Fascia allows the muscles to move freely. It is found beneath the skin, around muscles, groups of muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels, organs and cells. Fascia is everywhere. Fascia can become restricted and injured due to traumas, aging, weight gain, deconditioning or the stress of daily living. Injured and neglected fascia can cause intense pain and functional and structural limitations of the body
We see fascia limitations in nearly all of our patients. As alternative medicine professionals, we are always looking for the solution to the problem. How do we reduce this patient's pain? How do we increase this patient's ability to move? How can we help our patients progress further toward their optimal health? We've seen the effectiveness of massage therapy and regular chiropractic care in breaking down these fascial adhesions, enhancing range of motion, and increasing the flow of blood to affected areas but we've also seen that both of these modalities have their limitations.
So how do we fix this beyond massage therapy and chiropractic manipulations?
Enter Ashley Black and her FasciaBlaster™ Collection!
Ashley has invented tools and techniques to break up fascia.
This is epic and is transforming our understanding of fascia.
Take advantage of FasciaBlasting at our office
Erika will professionally blast your fascia in the office. We view this as a partnership and will work with you to determine what YOUR ideal results are. You may want to increase blood flow and decrease joint pain or smooth out bumpy skin or tighten saggy skin. If you want to help accelerate your results, Erika can coach you on how to blast at home with your own FasciaBlaster™ tools which you can purchase here.
Click here to order your FasciaBlasting tools!
We highly recommend you read Ashley's book, "The Cellulite Myth: It's not Fat, It's Fascia." before you get started.
You can purchase Ashley's book by clicking here.
Click on this link to see ultrasound images showing that the fascia (cellulite) has shrunk after 90 days of FasciaBlasting. You can see a yellow line drawn vertically from the skin to the bone.
That is the thickness of the fascia.
Dr. Crawford's FasciaBlasting Testimony
After Dr. Crawford gave birth to her daughter, she had a saggy, dented, wrinkly pancake butt and glute/hammy area. She was devastated but too tired, being a mom of three, to do anything about it. She was embarrassed to wear a bathing suit and even shorts! 6 years later her kids were no longer babies, and it was time to take care of herself for once. She knew she had to do something about her buttocks and cellulite ridden upper thighs. She started doing Pilates. It helped but didn't get her back to her pre-baby booty. A year later, she met her future husband, and he coached her on lifting weights and doing weighted squats and dead lifts. It helped even more but she still had a lot of wrinkling in her hammy/glute area. She searched and searched for anything to treat "cellulite" and found that cupping had helped some women. She bought some silicone cups and tried cupping the back upper part of her thighs for a couple of months. All she got out of it was tennis elbow. But she was not ready to give up. She kept wondering how she could have "cellulite" when she is not fat. She did more research and stumbled across Ashley Black.
Little did she know that her life was about to change.
She learned that "It's not Fat, It's Fascia" (get the book here). She bought the original FasciaBlaster™ and watched the tutorial on the Ashley Black website on how to use it and got to work. Two months in, she saw the AMAZING results that she had been hoping for for 9 years! Her bound fascia is no longer bound, and she loves showing offer her thighs in a great pair of short shorts. She started using the FasciaBlaster™ on her face and has seen incredible results with that as well.
Dr. Crawford feels like she is aging backwards.
These tools are not only for aesthetics, they are also designed to relieve soft tissue pain and adhesions. We had a patient throw his neck out and was unable to turn his neck to the left for 4 days. We blasted his neck and upper back for only 1 min on each muscle group. 5 hours later he reported, "My neck is feeling pretty good! Look how far I can turn my head!"
Join this journey with us! It has changed Dr. Crawford's life and we can't wait to watch it change yours. We are here to answer any questions and help coach you through this.